Web information system for project management Redmine

Information system Redmine – the best way for effective Project Management


Redmine is a flexible, powerful, web project management system. It is applicable to the management of both large and complex projects for the corporate sector with many interrelated tasks and numerous project teams, as well as smaller projects.

Implementation and maintenance

The team of Plan C Ltd. offers a complex service for the implementation of the information system Redmine - installation, setup, training, maintenance and periodic updates with new versions.

In order to optimize costs and be included in the budget framework, the Redmine system is mainly based on open source products for which no license fees are paid and have a very low cost of ownership.

Benefits and effects of implementing the Redmine system
  • Smart and easy planning, control and management of the activities, deadlines, resources of the projects implemented by the organization.
  • Full traceability of the implementation of the individual project stages, tasks, actions of the members of the project teams. This is especially valuable for organizations certified by project management and quality assurance standards, with a responsible attitude towards customers and the quality of goods and services provided.
  • Effective analysis and management of the workload of the individual members of the project teams by the management.
  • Quick and easy analysis, based on convenient reports in tabular and graphical form.
  • Facilitated and fast communication between the members of the project teams.
  • Increased responsibility of employees to their assigned tasks and responsibilities.
  • Quick and easy access to the system at any time from anywhere in the world with internet connection from computer, tablet, smartphone.
  • Easy operation of the system through a friendly user interface in various languages, including Bulgarian.
    Observance of the company rules for decision making, approval of tasks, documents and other project materials.
  • Easy and fast mastering of the work with the system due to the logical and intuitive organization of the user actions in the system.
  • Flexible, powerful, efficient project management solution with a very low cost, which is implemented quickly and easily.
Scope of application
  • In companies implementing projects for development, implementation, maintenance of various systems and products in various sectors - IT, communications, technology, industry, education and more.
  • In organizations that implement projects with many participants or together with subcontractors who work in different, geographically remote offices. The information system is particularly suitable for project management under international programs with European funding with participants from many countries.
  • In organizations using quality management and project management systems, certified according to the relevant international standards.
Information security

The Redmine system has a reliable information security system with a multi-layered multi-component structure. A reliable integrated access control system is applied, based on users, rights (controlled access to information and specific information objects), roles (access to certain functionalities of the system).


Main functions of the project management information system Readmine

Support for multiple projects
  • Manage many projects within one installation of the information system.
  • Precise control of access team members to information on each project. Each user can have different roles and different access to information for each project.
  • Each project can be public (accessible to anyone on the Internet) or private (available only to members of the relevant project team).
  • Precise control which modules with the functionality to be available for each project (eg. Management tasks, accounting for the time invested, a system for document management, knowledge base, etc.).

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Support for multiple sub-versions of products
  • Flexible control of the parts of the project as a subprojects or versions of the main project.
Flexible system management tasks
  • Define tasks related tasks, subtasks.
  • Management of deadlines for compliance officers, monitoring, execution rate.
  • Define the relationships between tasks and workflows, monitoring their implementation.
  • Convenient tools for monitoring the execution of tasks by status, responsible, deadlines and more.
  • Graphical interface that facilitates editing and management tasks, including drag & drop.
  • Ability to define statuses and types of tasks according to the needs of the organization.

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Gantt charts and calendar
  • Automatically create and update Gantt charts and calendar in MS Outlook style for relaxed task management.
  • Clear and informative visualization of the status of tasks, their interrelationships, their terms, their level of performance tasks on time and with such delay and more.
  • The system built numerous reports with various filters conditions asked by the user. These conditions may be retained in order to reuse one or more users.
  • Any reference to its contents (results) can be saved as a CSV or PDF file.
Document Management
  • Ability to create for each project on an arbitrary directory structure where documents are stored.
  • Maintaining different versions and revisions of individual documents.
  • Lockable document against changes by other users.
  • Notification email users for events related to the documents.
  • Ability to simultaneously upload or download multiple documents by drag§drop or zip file.
  • Opportunity for emailing a document or link to it.
  • Ability to configure different workflows for approval of documents. For different documents can apply different predefined algorithms for approval. These algorithms are set by the system administrator according to the organizational rules of the company and may contain many steps for approval. Each step of the algorithm may contain one or several users, which together (logical AND) or separately (logical OR) to approve. At each step, the approval may approve, reject (with additional commentary) or delegate the decision to another user.
  • Audit records access of each user to each document.
  • Option for full text search in documents for some languages.
  • Complete functionality for reading and writing in the WebDav protocol.
  • Ability to set tags of documents.

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Built-in powerful editor to enter information
  • The system also built a powerful editor for entering text and graphical information. Operation is intuitive and easy for users with basic computer skills.
Free definition of the additional custom fields of different types
  • The system administrator can define additional fields, reflecting the specific characteristics of individual data objects (including. Task, users, projects, documents, etc..).
  • There are different formats: text, date, boolean, integer, drop-down list and checkbox.
  • Defined fields can be viewed as characteristics of the object, but also be used as filter conditions in the references.
Reporting to the estimated time and cost
  • Can be input into account time and expenses incurred by any member of the project team for each project task, activity, task type, for different periods of time.
  • Ability to set off and working days, minimum and maximum time of day reporting.
  • System for approval / rejection of timesheets time and cost of each member of the project team.
Knowledge base, wiki, files
  • For each project, you can create special WEB pages to reflect the specific knowledge and reference materials related to the project.
  • Ability to set tree structure of categories, to each of which includes one or more articles.
  • Ability to set tags in Articles.
Forums and News
  • For each project can create forums and subforums for discussing various issues and problems related projects.
  • If the project is open to unregistered users, forums can be a part of the help-desk system for customer service and problem solving.
  • The project members can post various messages and comments to other participants, to be paid to them by email and Atom feeds.
Email notification and Atom feeds
  • Automatic notification scheme of users related to a project of any change in the project tasks, deadlines, documents, resolutions and approval of reports and documents.
Full traceability of each user
  • For each action of each user's system audit records. Supports detailed information about these actions.
  • The full traceability of actions in the system is especially valuable for companies certified according to international standards: Quality management ISO 9000 security management ISO 27000 and others.
Data repositories and visualization of differences
  • Each project can be connected to different data warehouses.
  • Supports various SCM: Subversion, CVS, Mercurial, Darcs, Bazaar, Git.
  • Possibility to request information and demand changes.
Support different LDAP servers for user authentication
  • Users can authenticate to the system through the service provided by the LDAP server.
  • Profiles can be created if users have been registered in the LDAP server (optional).
Different options for user registration
  • Can be prohibited and allowed users to register themselves in the system.
  • Supports 3 methods of activation profiles: automatic (no confirmation); automatically generated by the system URL, sent to users via email; manual (by administrator).

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Flexible management and access control model by "Users, rights, roles"
  • Ability to flexibly define access to functionality and data to each user within each project.
  • Ability to define freely by the system administrator for additional roles.
Multilingual support
  • Supports 34 languages for the interface of the system, including Bulgarian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and more.
Technical specification


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Project management system Redmine can be installed on any real ot virtual server in the following operating systems: MS Windows, Linux.

It is built based on the open source Ruby, Rails and works by RDBMS MySQL, WEB server Apache.

Users can use the system from a computer, tablet or smartphone under different operating systems (MS Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, Android, iOS) via a standard web browser (it is recommended by the newest version of Mozilla Firefox or Chrome).



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Plan C Ltd.
Business center Frodexim
154 Vassil Levski Str.
s. Mramor 1261, oblast Sofia-grad, Bulgaria
office@planc.biz, www.planc.biz 
phone +359 2 971 2007
mob. +359 898 555 679
Robert Kuenstler, MSc
General Manager

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